How To Download and Install Android Studio On Windows and Mac [latest version]

Hey, are you searching for How to Download And Install Android Studio in your windows, Mac and Linux? if so and searching for this question definitely you will get an answer. Before get started first know about What is Android Studio? this srticle for you

 What is Android Studio?

In simple word, Android Studio is the fast tools to create apps on any Android device.

In brief Android Studio is the official integrated development environment ( IDE) for Google’s Android operating system, built on the IntelliJ IDEA platform from JetBrains and specifically designed for Android development. This is available for download on operating systems based on Windows, macOS, and Linux, or as a subscription-based service in 2020. This is a replacement for the Eclipse Android Development Tools (E-ADT), the main IDE for the development of native Android applications.

Kotlin replaced Java as Google’s preferred language for Android device development on May 7, 2019.


  • Gradle Build Support
  • Refactoring specific to Android, and fast fixes
  • Lint tools to catch performance, usability, compatibility with versions and other problems
  • Integration and signing features of the ProGuard app.
  • A rich layout editor that allows users to drag and drop UI elements.
  • Template-based Assistants for common Android designs and components.
  • Android Virtual Device like Emulator for running and debugging Android studio devices.
  • Built-in Google Cloud Platform support enabling integration with Firebase Cloud Messaging (Earlier ‘Google Cloud Messaging’) and Google App Engine.

Here is the Step by Step process to Install Android Studio On Windows, Mac, and Linux.

For Windows 10

Step 1: First open official Android Studio website from your desktop browser

Step 2: Click on the “Download Android Studio” .exe file.

Step 3: After Double click on the downloaded “Android Studio-ide.exe” file.

Step 4: “Android Studio Setup” will appear on the screen, and click on “Next” to continued.

Step 5: After Select the components you want to install, and click on the button “Next.”

Step 6: Now, browse where you want the Android Studio to be installed, and press “Next” to        proceed.

Step 7: Choose the “Application Lab” shortcut Launch menu folder and then press the “Setup” button to proceed.

Step 8: Once the installation has been successfully completed, click the “Next” button.

Step 9: To continue press the “Finish” button.

For Mac

Step 1: Open the DMG file in Android Studio.

Step 2: Drag and drop Android Studio, into the Applications folder, then launch Android Studio.

Step 3: choose if you want to import previous settings in Android Studio, then click OK.

Step 4: The Android Studio Setup Wizard guides you through the rest of the setup, which involves downloading components needed for the creation of Android SDKs.

After installing Android Studio you need to set up configuration following are the steps.

How to Setup Android Studio Configuration

Step 1: “Android Studio Setup Wizard” with welcome wizard will appear on the device. Tap the Next button.

Step 2: If you are a beginner and do not have any idea about Android Studio, select (check) the “Standard” option. It will install the settings and options most relevant to you. Click to continue on “Next.”

Step 3: Now choose the theme of the user interface as you wish. (I prefer the Dark theme (Dracula) which the coders like the most). Click the “Next” button.

Step 4: Click now on the “Finish” button to download all components of the SDK.

Step 5: And, the process of downloading and installing components starts.

Step 6: Click on “Finish” button after downloading all necessary

Now, Android Studio has been successfully installed in your system and click on start a new Android studio project.

In this way, you can download and install Android Studio On Windows, and Mac above are the steps you can try out.

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